The fact that I like clothes isn’t a secret. I find enjoyment in locating items that fit my personality and style in my size. I am a firm believer in buying and wearing clothes that I like and feel complement my body type. I also like to encourage others to do the same. If it fits and makes you feel exquisite—go for it!
With this in mind, it isn’t my practice to suggest not wearing a particular item, but I decided to go against my “usual and customary” and share my thoughts on what not to wear. In full transparency, I was inspired to write this post by a fellow blogger, which I will highlight a little later.
A lot of thought goes into the looks I create—most of the time. I consider where I’m going and what I’ll be doing. Albeit I like to look cute, as I’ve gotten older, being comfortable—in every form—is just as important, if not more so. For me, the perfect outfit encompasses tangible and nontangible elements. How we feel about ourselves in conjunction with the emotions we’re experiencing plays a vital role in how we look in the clothes we wear. Truth be told, what’s happening on the inside manifests on the outside, even when we try to conceal it. Additionally, in order to look our best, we need to ensure what we choose to wear enhances our natural beauty.
This reality enabled me to see the need to stop wearing some pieces that don’t make a good outfit for me:
- Regrets – Frankly speaking, I am a bit torn when it comes to whether or not having regrets is a good or bad thing. I say this because some regrets have helped me make better decisions. However, I’ve also spent too much time remembering some choices and wishing I had chosen a different path. The fact of the matter is I cannot change what transpired. I made the choice and I need to own every aspect of it. Furthermore, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. Punishing myself for the past isn’t fruitful, so I’ve decided to stop doing it. Carrying or “wearing” regrets is a burden. They are a heavy weight that can potentially show up in everyday conversation and hinder us from moving forward. Stop wearing regrets.
- Unforgiveness – This item is bad and it can align closely with regrets. It can be worn because of the actions of others or it can be a wardrobe staple due to not forgiving ourselves. I need to forgive myself for the choices I regret making. Again, I can’t change it. All I can do now is learn from the experience and allow it to guide me in making better decisions now and in the future. Stop wearing unforgiveness—no matter what. Consider looking at it like this, “Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past.”
- Fear – This garment comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes! I must say I’ve been doing a better job of not putting this on and buttoning it up tightly, lately. However, I must admit it was still hanging in my closet and I’ve come close to wearing it a few times, but I decided to toss it. Fear can potentially rob us of peace. It paints a false picture that hinders us from pursuing aspirations and dreams and it keeps us from living peacefully. Stop wearing fear—it is a liar.
As I stated earlier, the inspiration for writing this came from another blogger, Courtney Carver, author of bemorewithless. She wrote a piece that highlights some things we should stop wearing. After reading her article, I did some “soul searching” and identified some things I need to stop “wearing.”
Every “great” outfit begins with a good foundation, which is our being. We need to ensure the beliefs, feelings, and thoughts we’re “wearing” are healthy and make us look and feel good all over—which, is an act of self-love.

Until the next time be you—and more importantly—love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋
Excellent Article!!!
Hi! Thank you so much!