The first time I purchased an Alex and Ani bracelet was about three or four years ago. It is a bit of a blur, so I’ll blame it on my age. By no means do I consider my bracelets forgettable.
One of the characteristics of the bracelets that piqued my interest is the ability to expand them. I have large wrists, and I have a difficult time finding bracelets that fit me, but this is not an issue with Alex and Ani bracelets.
I’m also drawn to the array of charms to choose from that align with one’s aspirations, beliefs, interests, or occupation. One of my favorite “categories” is places. I adore my Miami, pyramid, and “French” bracelets. When I look at them, my mind drifts back to the days I lived in Miami and the trip I took to Cairo, which are two of the best experiences of my life, and I hope to travel to France one day—I think. And I can’t forget the Teddy Bear bracelet that reminds me of my beloved stuffed companion. But the main thing I like about Alex and Ani is its messages of encouragement.
The brand was established in 2004 by Carolyn Rafaelian. The name is a combination of Ms. Rafaelian’s two daughters’ names. The products are designed and made in America with copper, which is regarded for its balancing properties. The metal has also been considered a cleanser of energetic blockages within the body. It is also said to deflect negative energy and promote overall well-being.
The founder desired to produce “bangle bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings that adorn the body, enlighten the mind, and empower the spirit.” I can honestly say that vision is fulfilled within me.
I’ve expressed my desire to inspire and encourage others through the words that I write and through simply living. So, I think it stands to reason that I would be drawn to something that has a similar goal in mind. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I gazed at the encouraging words on my bracelets to get through a difficult moment. The phrases, “Be yourself,” “Create peace of mind,” and “Never give up” are just a few that gave me the push I needed. And I recently decided to add a few more confidence-boosting bracelets to my collection.

The first bracelet I stumbled upon during my virtual retail therapy scroll was “Godspeed.”

“Godspeed” is said to bless someone embarking upon a journey. The intent is to bestow good fortune and safety, with the grace of God. In a nutshell, it is the desire to have God’s protection along your path. How awesome is that?

The next one I spotted was the pineapple. When I saw it, I was drawn to it because I think it is cute and I LOVE pineapples. I like eating the fruit and drinking its juice. But I learned something—pineapples signify hospitality. They were placed outside the homes of New England sea captains as a symbol of a safe return. The fruit symbolizes a gesture of warmly embracing friends and creating lasting connections.

The three simple words imprinted on the charm of the third bracelet captivated me. I encounter moments that need to be addressed with, “I’ve got this.” But I got so much more from this purchase when I received it—I had no idea it was inspired by Barbie. The card enclosed with the bracelet reads as follows.
“Since 1959, Barbie has been inspiring girls to be anything. From princess to president, astronaut to zoologist, there isn’t a plastic ceiling Barbie hasn’t broken. Today, with over 200 careers and counting, she continues to inspire the limitless potential in every girl.”
This bracelet reminded me that I can do anything I set my mind to do.
Thank you, Alex and Ani for inspiring and encouraging me and keeping me stylish in the process. Alex and Ani is definitely a #WWBBW pick.
Until the next time be you—and more important—love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋
Attribution: Alex and Ani, LLC and Mattel, Inc.