It’s no secret that I have large breasts. Just a simple glance at me reveals this truth. But in spite of this obvious fact, I’ve questioned whether or not I should wear white t-shirts. It seems like some white clothing amplifies whatever body part it is covering. I’ve noticed the eye glances I receive when I wear them, but should I allow that to manage what I put on my body?

Truth be told, I witness shifting eyes regardless of what I’m wearing—cleavage or not—or the sex of the person moving their eyes. But can I really fault them? I mean, I did a double-take when I viewed a recent picture of myself. I actually asked, “did my breasts get bigger?” But as I pondered over whether or not I should wear certain clothes, another more important question popped in my head, is my concern directed to the comfort of others or mine?

Embracing and accepting who I am includes my body—and that means my ta-tas too. Additionally, as humans, we have varying opinions on everything, and how another person sees me shouldn’t be a concern. Furthermore, someone will form and or express their opinion regardless of the choice I make. So, it behooves me to operate in a fashion that makes me comfortable. Plus, not wearing a white t-shirt isn’t going to change my cup size.
So, this Buxom Beauty will continue to wear what she likes proudly and unapologetically, and I hope you do too.
Until the next time be you—but more important—love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋