I am aware of the existence of varying opinions and I am very open to hearing them. In all honesty, this world would be extremely boring if we all agreed. However, sometimes I feel like the plus-size community goes to the extreme when it comes to acceptance by society and desires for certain changes.
No, I do not want to be viewed as vile and unattractive, but I cannot control how someone else sees me. Do I think this way because I am a minority? This concept has been on my mind for quite some time and I admit that I had been somewhat hesitant about bringing it up. But, then I realized this blog is entitled the “Diary of a Stylish Buxom Beauty” right?
I will start with the fact that I am a woman. In recent weeks I have experienced push-back and reluctance from some male coworkers that receive direction from me or are instructed to funnel their work through me for review. I’ve come to realize there are a lot of men who have issues with taking direction from a woman and have no interest in hearing what we have to say. Unfortunately, there are a lot of males who believe women have no place in authoritative roles simply because we have vaginas.
If you haven’t noticed, I am also Black. Even though I haven’t had any direct experiences with racial ignorance – I know there are people in this world who don’t like me simply because of the color of my skin. Some humans on this earth find my existence appalling and would prefer to avoid me and others like me at all costs. These individuals will never see my beauty due to their prejudices and incomprehension of my worth.
This is why I choose to focus on self-acceptance as opposed to social acceptance. No matter how hard we try to alter the thinking of the masses, someone is not going to accept us. Just like there are people who don’t see me as valuable because of my gender and my skin – there are some who don’t see it because, in their eyes, I am “a size larger than normal range.”

As cruel as it may be, some males may consider me the “C” word and racists consider me the “N” word, but that doesn’t mean I have to accept it. And I feel the same way about those who consider me to be abnormal because of my size.
To me, “plus-size” means being an asset. Which is; a blessing, strength, virtue, and attraction – just to name a few. And I am definitely all of those lovely things, even if it is not seen by the masses.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.