You are the only true representation of you. We should want to display our best whenever possible. The way we look sends a message of our level of self-pride. As odd as it may be, our ability to fulfill what is asked of us in our work environment is sometimes based on how we look. In general, people determine whether or not we are approachable and whether or not they trust us by our appearance. You may think that sounds strange, but think about it – when you frequent a restaurant, do you want your server looking unwashed and disheveled? I would think not.
Our appearance also affects our personal lives. “All my single ladies” – men will take notice of how you dress and how you carry yourself. Are you put together? Do you exude confidence? Are you showing too much? Or are you giving just enough to peak his curiosity? A man will only approach you if he likes what he sees. Remember – men are visual. And to my married readers – are you still presenting that altogether confident woman he just had to meet? Or have you gotten a little too comfortable? Having been married before, I know how easy it is to slip into those comfortable pjs and sweatpants – every day. I also realize juggling work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and tending to children can eliminate the time we used to have for ourselves. But, it is imperative that we find that me time. Not only should we keep ourselves looking and smelling nice for us, but we should do what we can to ensure our husbands are still checking us out and liking what they see. As I’ve mentioned before, our appearance makes a statement before we utter a single word. I will ask again, what are you saying?
I want to encourage all women to be the best you and have fun with it. You don’t have to settle for shapeless and boring clothing. You can look cute in your clothes. Be a little adventurous, you might like it. Try wearing something you might ordinarily avoid, like; bold, colorful prints, short skirts, pleats, crop tops, or even my phobia – rompers. Even the most confident person has an insecurity or two, but trying something different may help you get over that clothing phobia and allow you to see the feeling of uncertainty wasn’t warranted.
It is true that plus-size clothing costs more than misses attire, but you can find clothing that is well made that are reasonable priced. And if the original price is not in your budget, you can wait for a sale. Most stores have regular sale days. This will just take some patience and willingness to shop around.
Even though I want to encourage all of you to be daring and try something new – be sure you are finding and wearing articles that are complimentary to your body and your individual style, but still have fun with it!
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.