Our appearance makes a statement about us before we utter a single word. In most cases, as discriminatory as it may be, people typically form an opinion about us based on our appearance.
I don’t think a lot of people give thought to this occurrence on a daily basis. We usually think about it when we have a job interview, or when we have a hot date, or if we are just in the mood to spruce ourselves up. But, this is something we should take into consideration all the time – regardless of the day.
I realize we all have our days when we just don’t feel like applying the extra effort. On these days, we have the thought, “I washed my hind parts and my clothes are clean, that is all that matters”. Yes, it is very important that we wash our hind parts on a regular basis however, it is just as important to make sure our appearance is presentable, and it gives a true representation of who we are.
I’ve had conversations with women who say they don’t have time to give the extra effort to looking “nice” every day. Why not? It is another way of expressing love to ourselves. It is important to the best we can be in every area of our lives, and that includes our appearance.
There are ways to achieve looking nice daily without taking a lot of time. Here are some techniques to consider;
1. Select and prepare your outfit the night before – this will eliminate time in the morning to locate and iron your clothes. Consider preparing your outfits for the entire week to save even more time during the week.
2. Keep the products you use together in one spot for easy access – this will eliminate wasted time searching for the products you use, they will be together in one spot.
3. If you don’t wash your hair every day, take the time to pin-curl, wrap, or tie your hair in a scarf at night to preserve your hairstyle – this practice will eliminate the need to style all your hair “from scratch” in the morning. If you preserve your style, you may only have to redo a few curls as opposed to curling or flat ironing all of your hair.
4. If you wash your hair daily, consider washing your hair at night and styling it in the morning – this will provide more time in the morning to complete your entire look for the day.
5. You don’t have to have on full “glamor girl make-up” every day to look nice. You can create an everyday look in about ten minutes and look wonderful with a few basic items like – BB cream, concealer, brow pencil, mascara, and lip gloss – this is a fresh and clean daily look that is simple and quick.
These are just a few things to consider trying to look “nice” every day. Do it for you – to make you feel good. When we feel good, it shows!
Another important factor we need to consider concerning our appearance is, ensuring our attire is appropriate – for the occasion and our age. I am an advocate for self-expression and being true to who we are. However, we still need to be mindful of our audience and the message we are sending. Everything should not be worn everywhere. That new crop top from Eloquii should not be worn to your job interview. And if we are adults, we should not be dressing like a pre-teen.
Make sure your clothing fits you properly. Don’t be afraid to go up or down a size. No one will know the number on the tag on your skirt unless you tell them – if you need a little more room – get a larger size. Furthermore, baggy clothing looks just as bad as clothing that is too small, and there is a huge difference between “tight” and “fitted”.
We are not all fortunate enough to buy off the rack and achieve a perfect fit. Don’t shy away from using a good tailor. I understand that it can be pricey. However, you should look at it as an investment in yourself. I suggest getting staple pieces tailored, such as; pencil skirts, dress trousers, and a well-structured blazer.
I also suggest purchasing this pieces in basic colors like black, blue, brown or gray. These are classic pieces and colors that you will be able to keep in your wardrobe for several years. They are also very versatile; they can be worn to work, church, semi-formal events, and even dates. Staple pieces also enhance your wardrobe. If you purchase multiple tops of various colors and patterns, you can pair them with your staple pieces that will give the look and feel of a large wardrobe. You can also use accessories to make you outfit “pop”. Just be careful to not over accessorize.
A wrap dress is another wonderful staple piece to have in your wardrobe. It is a classic piece that is flattering on all body types. It is one of my favorite pieces. These dresses are versatile, functional and adjustable. Again, they can be worn to work, church, semi-formal occasions, and dates.
Remember you are the best representative of you. Make sure the unspoken statements from your appearance are saying what you truly want to be stated.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly…love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
I love this piece! This is great information!!! Please keep writing!
Thank you so much Taryn! I really appreciate your encouragement and support! B.B.