When I was much younger I always viewed the day as a celebration for couples. I thought you were supposed to have a date who would bring flowers and nasty candy, and you would go to a nice restaurant with linen napkins and a maître d’. That happened later down the road. However, he turned out to be crazy – and, that is a whole blog post by itself. But, I digress.
I recall one Valentine’s Day when I went on a double date, which was a disaster. My date spent the majority of the evening staring at my ta-tas and the rest of the time trying to get me out of my clothes – he was awful. Needless to say, I did not enjoy that Valentine’s Day.
Even though I’ve had some moments that I’d like to erase – there were some good ones too. My fondest Valentine’s Day was when I lived abroad and all the ladies that I worked with who were either single or their husbands were away went out to dinner together. I had a very nice time laughing and talking with those women. And I believe the experience will stay with me for several years to come.
As I sit here writing this post as a single woman with the “day of love” swiftly approaching, I am contemplating my current feelings regarding this day.
I am a grown woman now with a plethora of knowledge and experience. I will not succumb to the ideals of my youth about how the day should be. Instead I will focus on me and those that I love.
So, I invite you to join me this Valentine’s Day and every day thereafter, to love and celebrate self. Simply because it is unwise to wait for someone else to provide something we should be doing for ourselves first. Don’t outsource this requirement.
In retrospect, I depended on a significant other to give what I should have given to myself. Don’t get me wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong with companionship. I am open to experiencing a healthy and prosperous relationship with a companion. But, until he comes along – I will strengthen my relationship with me.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.