How much time have I wasted on frivolous things, and not to mention the things I’ve procrastinated doing? Recent events have shown me the importance of using my time wisely and that includes what I spend my time thinking about.
Yesterday I posted something on IG that I found on Pinterest that reads;
“I love my curves, my tattoos, my imperfections, and my jiggling thighs. No one said you had to.”
It is time that all of us emulate the message within the above statement – love and accept ourselves as we are with no expectation of acceptance by others. We must stop using our non-refillable commodity on the negative words and actions of anyone – including ourselves. The very second we realize we are entertaining a negative thought about ourselves – dismiss it, time is way too precious for that. And more importantly, so are you.
We should spend the time we have celebrating ourselves and those we love. Do what you love and makes you happy. We already know there will be naysayers, but let’s not let them stop us. I realize it can be hard to ignore and drown out the negativity. But, you don’t truly know what you’re capable of until you try. Time is too precious to spend it on wishing and hoping – be a doer.
So, I invite you to join me in the quest to be a better steward of time as it relates to everything in my life. The word commodity is defined as a useful or valuable thing. Let’s make good use of our time. Think and operate in good thoughts, life is too short to do anything less.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.