It had been my desire to entertain the concept of shopping for body types in the pursuit of body consciousness and self-love as the subject of this post. As I was pondering over the subject, I stumbled upon an interesting article that influenced me to change my mind – slightly.
After reading the aforementioned article, I began to question myself. Would I be a true advocate for self-acceptance and self-love by doing this? I must admit that as I was processing the concept of this possible post – I wondered if using the images that are usually used for the body shapes of women would be – well, rude. I was apprehensive about using them. Do I want to be compared to an apple or a pear? – No, I don’t.
The fact of the matter is, we are not all shaped the same. And no particular shape or size is better than another. As I have mentioned several times before, we are all different. But, are we embracing and celebrating those differences or are we comparing ourselves to others? Are these tools simply adding fuel to an already out of control fire? We should be focusing on how we view ourselves as we are. Is the way we see ourselves in the mirror a healthy and accurate image of who we are, or is the image distorted?
I began to wonder if the diagrams that depict the female body are a hinder or a help. Do we really need another source telling us what we can’t wear? Who truly decides what looks and good and what doesn’t? Shouldn’t that decision ultimately be ours?
I do not necessarily shop or dress according to my body type. To be completely honest, I never really thought about it. If I see something that catches my eye, I try it. If I like the way it looks on me – I typically go for it. I don’t recall ever identifying an article of clothing as something that “I can’t wear”…well, other than shorts…I hate shorts, but that is a whole other subject all of its own.
Remember at the beginning of this post I used the word slightly? – Well, I believe one’s perspective plays a major role in how things in this life affect us – the good and the bad. For instance, not matter how bad things may be for you right now, things could always be worse – and in some cases, things have been worse. Is the glass half full or half empty? It’s all about perspective.
Looking at the subject at hand, we can choose to view it in a positive way or a negative way. I’m choosing to view it in a positive way. Granted, I don’t want to be compared to an apple or an hourglass, but I understand the concept and purpose. It is my desire to be the best woman I can be inside and out, and I want to encourage and empower other women to want the same.
Even though those forbidden fruit diagrams are considered taboo to some, I think they can be a helpful tool in finding clothing that allows us to look our best. When we look our best, it affects how we feel and how we carry ourselves, and it ultimately affects how people see us. When we feel good about ourselves, it increases our level of self-esteem and confidence. And as I mentioned in a previous post, confidence is the quintessential accessory.
We are not all at a place of daring boldness. Some of us may want or need a guiding hand to help us look our best. If this is the case, I entreat you to focus on you – as you are and what is best for you.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly…love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.