It is 10:32 pm Sunday, January 8, 2018 and I am eating chips and guacamole. In my defense, I can’t sleep when my belly wants food. I realize this is a horrible excuse because I need to be asleep – especially considering I haven’t been at work since the last Friday in December. And I may also regret this burst of creative energy when my alarm sounds in a few hours. But, it is never a bad time to capture one’s thoughts, and even more so when you’re a blogger – right? So, what’s on my mind you ask? – Regrets.
I’ve made a lot of decisions over the last four decades that I classify as either good or bad. Furthermore, there are some choices I regret; and I admit I’ve spent time wondering how different things would be now had I gone with option B.
I received a message yesterday that inspired me to give thought to my character and how my decisions should be governed by them. Who am I and who am I striving to be?
I have decided not to allow a society to define me physically, so why should I allow someone, other than me, define my character?
Each day is filled with choices waiting to be made, both major and minor. I’ve made countless decisions over the years, and I often wonder if it is a bad thing to feel sad about some of them. I am working toward being more forgiving of myself and open to new opportunities.
I spent a lot of time pondering over choices that I regret. But, I cannot change the past. All I can do is try to make better choices based on my experiences and desires for the future.
I want to encourage you to shift your focus from regretting to growing. Instead of wallowing in the abyss of self-loathing because of a decision. Look at it as an opportunity to learn instead. Every day is filled with numerous chances to be a better human. Furthermore, a part of self-acceptance and self-love is forgiving yourself for making a mistake. The truth of the matter is, we all do dumb things. The key is to learn from it.
This is the beginning of a new week and I’ve decided to make the best of everything I face each day. Do you feel like joining me?
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
– B.B