In the beginning of the movie, Drew gets fired and dumped by his girlfriend. These unfortunate events cause him to become suicidal, but his plans are altered by the devastating news of his father’s passing. Drew meets Claire and she helps him “live” again. But, the most touching character of the movie for me is Drew’s mother Hollie.
Throughout the movie, Hollie is doing things she’s never done before. Her children began to think she was losing her mind because of the death of their father. But, she revealed to them the conversations she had with her husband regarding the things they wanted to do, but didn’t do before he passed. What I got from the movie is the importance of living and doing the things I’ve always wanted to do.
Yesterday I shared my revelation of the need to make some life changes on my other blog My Heels in Life. I realize I have been letting life pass me by and it is imperative that I alter this behavior. So, I created a list of things I expressed interest in doing, and some things I need to do. I am going to put forth effort to make them happen. However, I think I may need to assign someone to make me accountable.
Having said that, my list encompasses a combination of simple and not so simple desires. Here we go!
1. Find a church home
2. Sing on the Praise & Worship team/choir again
3. Date
4. Go out with friends more
5. Study forensic science and obtain a Criminal Justice degree
6. Visit New Orleans
7. See the musical “Chicago” on Broadway
8. Ski
9. Horseback riding
10. Visit Rome
11. Visit Australia
12. Learn Portuguese
13. Cook a Prime rib roast
14. Become a personal stylist
15. Conduct a self-esteem seminar
16. Learn how to play the bass guitar
17. Be published in a renowned magazine (with my picture in color – not that I’m ungrateful to Huffington Post)
18. Model in a fashion show
19. Visit Hezekiah Walker’s church
20. Attend a Murder Mystery weekend event
Like “Red” said, “Get busy living or get busy dying.” The choice is ours. I want to encourage and inspire you to take a step and do the things you talk about. Go ahead a write that book, learn to play the piano, and travel somewhere you’ve never been before. Come on – let’s live.
What’s on your list?
Until the next time, be you and most importantly- love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
“Elizabethtown” written and directed by Cameron Crowe
“The Shawshank Redemption” written and directed by Frank Darabont