I don’t understand the idea of being considered a fetish, which is a topic I’ve written about before. Additionally, I can’t relate to the concept of not being dateable. By no means am I implying I have a line of men waiting patiently to date me. I don’t. However, I do obtain interested suitors from time to time.
Lastly, I really cannot connect with being shamed while eating. I realize there is a strong possibility people are judging me when they see me at Panera Bread ordering a Fuji Apple Chicken salad, which is SO FREAKING GOOD! And it is possible that people look at me when I order a full rack of ribs from Outback – OMG are they tasty! I don’t see it because I don’t care – this chick is going to eat what she wants.
Having said that, there are some listed “problems” that I do understand. Additionally, I have a list of issues that I haven’t seen published, so I decided to make one.

- Those small-ass tables at the Cheesecake Factory
Dear hostess, I know you saw all of me when I requested a table. Why in the world did you think I wanted to sit at that small table sandwiched between two parties in the middle of the restaurant to become a spectacle upon departing your establishment? It is extremely stressful trying to figure out how to maneuver my way out of those seats without knocking over a glass or depositing a butt-cheek it a plate of pasta while simultaneously trying to be cute. In the future, please automatically take me to a booth.
2. Side zippers on skirts and pants
This so-called problem may not be synonymous to plus-size women, but it is annoying none-the-less. I admit that I like the look of side zippers, but they are a complete hassle to operate –especially if you wait to the last minute to go to the restroom (which is something I do often). The struggle is real trying to reach over my DDDs, hold up my pants, and close the zipper all at the same time.
I dread running out of pads simply because of how much money I have to spend in order to feel somewhat secure during “that time of the month.” Even though I am a huge fan of the Always overnight pads, they don’t do the job solely. It would be nice to only need to buy one pack of pads instead of two.
4. Seat covers in public restrooms
I will refrain from sharing how I learned I can no longer squat over a commode successfully, which brings me to seat covers. I am grateful for public restrooms that have them, however they don’t cover the entire toilet seat. I would appreciate larger ones that can accommodate my rotund booty.
5. Those blasted wide length mirrors in hotel bathrooms
I have not stopped being an advocate for self-acceptance and love, however I do not necessarily want to see all of me upon exiting the shower. I’d like to have a choice in the matter.
6. Being told, “You always look so nice in your clothes.”
Umm – thanks? But, what exactly does that mean? Are you surprised I have nice clothes that look good on me? Why is this shocking? Big girls can have nice clothes and look good in them.
7. That “musty” smell down under (…Yes, I did)
Again, I am not sure if this is synonymous to fuller-figured women, but I didn’t notice it until my thighs got bigger. I am truly grateful for feminine hygiene products that keep this annoying problem at bay. It does make my bag a lot heavier, but I prefer being a spraying fool with a heavy purse over smelling like warm raw red onions any day.
Just a few thoughts from the mind of this Buxom Beauty. Do you have any to share with us?
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.