The word evolve means to develop gradually, and what time in our lives to contemplate our progression could be better than a birthday?
I’d like to think I’ve gained some wisdom over the past year and I learned to do things better today than I did yesterday. In my quest to encourage self-love, in others as well as myself, I think it is imperative to see growth. And one area in particular of growth for me is self-acceptance. I realize this may seem strange considering the fact that I have always preached about self-acceptance, but my views on this course of action has deepened.
During this past year I have begun to view acceptance as more of a personal act than I have in the past. What I mean by that is – I desired social acceptance when I began this journey. Not necessarily the acceptance of my physique and look, but the acceptance of my voice and point of view within the plus-size community. Now I see self-acceptance as a goal for me wholly in every area of my life.
I’ve come to realize that vital lessons are often found in some of the most seemingly insignificant occurrences in life.
There have been numerous times I’ve become extremely annoyed by slow drivers, primarily while I am commuting on 495 in the DMV. But, over the past few months I have taken notice to the behaviors of some of these drivers.
In most cases, the drivers seem unbothered by the individuals tailgating their bumper and the frustrated looks they give as they pass on the left or right. They appear focused on what they are doing on their path at their pace, and they don’t allow the judgment of others to sway them. There is a huge lesson in this simple every day act.
The drivers have taught me to stay true to myself regardless of how others may view it. I have embraced the idea that I must accept myself as I am and not rely on affirmation from others, and even more so with my voice.
So – now a year wiser, I accept the fact that everyone will not agree with, like me, or follow me and that is fine as long as I stay true to me.
Happy Birthday Towanda and here’s to another year of growth!
Until the next time, be you and most importantly- love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.