Keys in life, Love & Happiness, Woman-hood

Give Me My Flowers; An Apology To My Body

“…instead of talking about me, speak kind words to me…” – Reverend James Cleveland

myfavCalla lilies are my favorite flowers. In the Ancient Greek tradition and classic Victoria language they are commonly known for being magnificent and overwhelmingly beautiful. They also symbolize resurrection and rebirth, because it returns after the winter each year. And they symbolize overcoming challenges because the cut flowers have the ability to start re-growing in a vase and survive frosts.

After learning about the attributes of this beautiful flower, I can see why I am drawn to it. Furthermore, there are characteristics of the flower that I relate to myself. For starters, I am magnificent and beautiful in spite of why society may say. Additionally, I have overcome a lot of challenges in my life. I’ve had some difficult times, but I survived.

While I was gathering my thoughts for this post I thought of an old song by the late Reverend James Cleveland entitled,”Give Me My Flowers.” I hadn’t heard the song since I was a small child. The message of the song is to appreciate people while they live, don’t wait until they have passed away to celebrate them and speak about how wonderful they were – tell them now while they yet breathe so they can hear the kind words.  By now I’m sure you are wondering where I am going with this – stick with me.

Traditionally, we give flowers as a gesture of kindness and appreciation. So, today I am giving my body flowers.


I am giving my body calla lilies because of their symbolism of beauty and their ability to grow after it has been cut. I am also giving my body flowers as an apology for all of the times that I didn’t love it. The times that I complained about it and compared it to other bodies. Please accept my apology.

I ask you to forgive me for saying your thighs are too big because truth be told – they look better than good in those gray skinny jeans. And even I look twice when I see the curve of that booty in the mirror. This body is a part of who I am and if I am going to love me, I must love every part of you too.

So, from this day forward I shall shower you with flowers by speaking kind words to you daily. And no matter what the world may say about you remember – you are beautiful, you are appreciated, you are mine, and I love you.

What flower will you give yours?

Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.




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