There is an expectation from some people that those of us with body fat should be ashamed, embarrassed, and hidden. And by no means should we be confident in the skin we are in. But, I’m here to tell you this is a fallacy.
It is unfortunate that there will always be someone stating a body is too big or too small. In spite of this, every person on this earth has the capacity to be confident no matter what size they are. Furthermore, everyone should be.
I am an advocate for self-acceptance and the realization that there is beauty at every size. You can be sexy and confident regardless of your dress size. It is achievable because confidence is formed in the mind. It is based on thoughts not physique. An attractive body will definitely turn heads, but it is the presence of assurance within oneself that sparks a deeper interest from another person.
We must reprogram our way of thinking. We have been misled into believing confidence is linked to a certain body type or appearance. In reality, it all begins in the mind.
“…As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” – Allen, James. As A Man Thinketh. 1903
I have referenced this quote on numerous occasions simply because it is befitting in the quest for self-love and acceptance. Again – it all begins in the mind. You are exactly what you think. If you want positivity in your life, think positive thoughts. And if you want to be confident think and embrace thoughts that develop and increase it.
Being confident coincides with last week’s post, “What Do You Think?” We mustn’t concern ourselves with the negative influences of others. Instead, focus on developing and entertaining positive thoughts about ourselves within our minds.
Being fat and confident is not an oxymoron – we exist in abundance.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.