B Magazine

Extra! Extra!…B Magazine is Here! Read All About It!

In September 2023, I created an online magazine due to the actions of a stranger. He sent cover pages he designed that included pictures of me from my social media page. I’m doubtful his intent was for me to add another vehicle for my means of expression to share. Nevertheless, he inspired me and I have three editions under my belt.

B Magazine is a collection of articles that highlight individuals who ignite and inspire positivity. It also features plus-size fashion ideas, self-care products, and words of encouragement. In the latest edition, we heard from actress Kristi Matthews, Symone Gaither—the woman behind Amelia Symone, and the designer and creator of LOBE’ Dangle Qwishuna Smith. Check out their stories in B Magazine Vol. 3 and please be on the lookout for the next one, which is loading now.

Until the next time, be happy, be well, be you.

B.B. 💋


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