My favorite color is pink. It is my number one choice when selecting nail polish, fuzzy slippers, and bikini panties. But, when it comes to my favorite color for a dress – hands down, it is red. And I think every woman should own one – or three, little red dresses (LRD).
The color red is linked with expressions of a lot of things. But, there are a few I’d like to highlight; passion, sexuality, joy, strength, leadership, courage, willpower, radiance, and love. Red also symbolizes assertiveness, daring behavior, determination, power, and excitement.
I want to encourage all of you to demonstrate the words listed above in every aspect of your lives. Please be passionate about your craft and betterment. If you don’t currently have something that ignites fervor within you for something good – find it.
Don’t shy away from your sexuality. Sexy is a state of mind. It is not a dress size or what we put on our bodies. It is the belief one is attractive or interesting that is apparent in their speech and demeanor.
A few weeks ago I was selected to be the emcee for an office event. Because I am known as the fashionista in my office – one of the first questions I was asked was, “What are you going to wear?” My initial thought was to choose something neutral. I thought it would be a good idea to pick something that didn’t necessarily “standout” – but, who was I kidding? I thought a neutral color would bring more attention to my words than me. Although I was interested in being heard, I couldn’t deny the plausibility of me standing out simply because of who I am.
By no means do I want to imply I am vain or narcissistic, but I know who I am. I’ve learned to embrace my passion, sexuality, joy, strength, leadership, courage, willpower, radiance, and self-love. I’ve become a woman who symbolizes and demonstrates confidence, assertiveness, determination, and power. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Do I believe the thoughts I have for myself exist because I put on a red dress? No, I don’t. I live these thoughts because I decided to exhibit the positivity the color red represents – but, wearing a red dress every now and then doesn’t hurt. And that is why I decided to wear a red dress for the event at work.
So, slip on that red dress and all it represents and conquer the world.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋