As I was “screen shopping” I found a few items I’d like to add to my collection, but I started questioning whether some of the sets would look good on me. I recall thinking, “that’s cute, but it won’t look like that on me.” Then it dawned on me – these models aren’t plus-size!
It is true that full-figured women like looking, feeling, and being sexy too, and I am grateful that the creators of this particular line took me and my “juicy-ness” into consideration and decided to offer lingerie that fits me, unlike Victoria’s Secret. However, it would be nice to see models who look like me on their website. In all honesty, there are quite a few retailers and designers who provide plus-size clothing but they do not use plus-size models to advertise their clothing. This needs to change.
I wonder if designers and retailers have considered the impact of plus-size shoppers being able to relate to a product can significantly increase sales and loyalty. I wonder if designers and retailers have considered appealing to all the consumers they want to reach as opposed to just the ones that look a certain way or prefer a certain look.
As a shopper, being able to see how an article of clothing will look on me by looking at the model is extremely helpful. Furthermore, seeing a model – and even a mannequin that looks like me makes me feel like you care about me as a consumer. It makes me feel like you truly want me as your customer. It sends the message that you are relating to me. It shows that you realize we are not all a size 6 at another level.
The fact of the matter is there are people who would prefer not to see fuller-figured women on billboards or magazines – and frankly speaking, everywhere else. But, we exist whether you like it or not and the beauty of it is – you can always look away.
So, designers and retailers – I’d like to urge you to take it a step further and utilize plus-size models to advertise your plus-size clothing line. There are plenty to choose from; Olivia Campbell, Bishamber Das, Hayley Herms, Naomi Shimada, Andrea Michelle, and Liris Crosse to name a few. Think about it.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
You are welcome…and thank you for stopping by!