Life is a precious gift that I have learned to appreciate more with each passing day. The things I used to take for granted now cause me to savor their existence. I have experienced quite a few things during the thirty-something years I’ve been in this world, some things were good, some were bad, and some were downright horrible. Be that as it may, I wouldn’t be who I am today without those experiences. I’ve been bruised, but I’m not broken.
When I think about the things that have transpired in my life, I realize that I gained the most strength and knowledge from the things that hurt me the most. It was through the pain that I learned how strong I truly am. The trials I’ve endured showed me who I am. – I am an overcomer.
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Frederick Douglass
Progress is defined as forward or onward movement toward a destination. When we are not progressing, we are idle or stagnant. I know the idea of struggling is frowned upon, however, the word struggle means to make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. So, looking at a struggle based on its definition, it is not necessarily a bad thing because it enables us to break free from what is constricting us. Meaning that situation that appears to be so awful is actually for your betterment, it causes you to progress.
I want to encourage you to persevere in your struggle. Life is not full of sunshine and butterflies every day – sometimes the rain falls. But, remember if there is no rain there is no growth. Yes, it hurts – but, it wouldn’t be happening if you couldn’t handle it. So don’t give up in the midst of your troubles. The troubles come to make you and strengthen you for what is to come. Your triumph over the problem you are dealing with now will help someone later down the road. And sometimes that someone is you. Think about it – when problems arise, and we begin to think about what we already overcame, we find strength in knowing we made it through that particular problem, which will enable us to work through the present.
I believe that being emotionally healthy plays a huge part in being beautiful inside and out. Whatever is going on internally is visible externally.
As women, we fulfill various roles that can pull us in several directions at any given time and it seems like we don’t always have time for ourselves to deal with our personal hurts. In spite of that, I urge you to “steal away” and make time for yourself to ignite healing and strength for you. Ensuring that we are healing emotionally is another important factor in loving ourselves.
Dedicate some time just for you and do something nice for yourself. Give yourself a gift. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. It can be something as simple as a milk bath or curling up with a book. This self-gift will allow you to spend time alone to unwind and find comfort within yourself.
Remember, we are better equipped to help others after we have helped ourselves.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly…love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.