Many of us were expecting warmer weather and an array of blooming flowers that typically make their appearance this time of year, but we received something entirely different. This causes several thoughts to run through my mind. Mainly the fact that life is terribly unpredictable; and it behooves me to be as flexible as possible to maintain. It also reinforces a statement that was made to me about a year ago, “blossom where you are.”
One of the definitions for the word blossom is to mature or grow in a favorable or healthy way; and the older I get the more I realize mental and emotional growth come from the challenges in life.
In addition to the realization of what brings about growth, I’ve learned that life doesn’t always pan out the way I expect it to. As I’ve stated on numerous occasions, I never imagined I’d be a divorcee and without my children. However, as I’ve also stated before – I would not be the woman I am today had I not faced those challenges that took the lives of my children and ended my marriage.
My life is not perfect nor do I expect it to be, but I do intend to blossom where I am. I would be doing myself a huge disservice if I waited for the perfect day to apply myself fully to my loved ones, my job – and my life as a whole.
Just like you, there are a lot of things going on outside of my window. There are things happening professionally and personally that are teaching me to be a better person. At work, I am dealing with a situation that literally makes me want to scream and holler – but instead, I am looking at ways to alter my behavior to make the situation better for everyone involved. Which is taking me out of my comfort zone – growth. And I am facing more personal challenges that are causing me to make better choices, which is another opportunity for growth and betterment.
There will be rainy days with no sunshine in sight; but remember flowers bloom because of the combination of the two. So, let’s embrace the rain – it is going to help us grow.

My hope is to encourage you where you are right now. No matter what is going on outside of your window – blossom.
Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.