Fashionista, WWBBW

What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): ThirdLove—Good Bras Doing Great Things

This is the third WWBBW post and I didn’t want to highlight another look or trend without taking the time to focus on what I consider to be the most important part of any outfit—foundation. To me, getting dressed is a lot like building a structure—there are multiple layers to creating a look. And the… Read More What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): ThirdLove—Good Bras Doing Great Things

Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness

What’s Behind the Diary of a Stylish Buxom Beauty Catchphrase?

A few years ago I received a Lane Bryant catalog that captivated my attention and piqued my interest. Obviously, it was filled with clothing options, but it also told a story of being fearless and daring like we were as children. I found the concept quite intriguing. Even though the catalog was about fashion trends—which focused… Read More What’s Behind the Diary of a Stylish Buxom Beauty Catchphrase?

Fashionista, Plus-size Community

What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): Diary of Stylish Buxom Beauty Storefront

Sometimes we need to be reminded that we can do whatever we set our minds on. I aspire to inspire others to love and accept themselves and not to conform to the standards and beliefs of a negative society. It is not a secret that I enjoy shopping. I shop to relax and I use… Read More What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): Diary of Stylish Buxom Beauty Storefront

Keys in life, Love & Happiness

Liking My Reflection: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

“When you embrace your differences, your DNA, your look or heritage or religion or your unusual name, that’s when you start to shine.” Bethenny Frankel What does it mean to accept oneself and how is it achieved? The majority of the posts I’ve written have some level of encouragement to accept oneself, and it is… Read More Liking My Reflection: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Fashionista, Plus-size Community

What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): Mixed Prints

Inspiration and encouragement can come from unexpected people at a time it is needed most. A few weeks ago one of my coworkers shared her recent shopping experience with me. She told me she purchased a fuchsia blazer and thought, ‘”Towanda would be proud of me.”‘ If you follow me on IG or Fashom—which, I… Read More What Would B.B. Wear (WWBBW): Mixed Prints

Plus-size Community

The Plus-size Community has a Plethora of Bloggers Sharing Their Voices, So Why Should You Entertain Another One?

Sometimes I think I can be too hasty in my decision making and other times I believe I overthink. For instance, should I have given a little more thought to the blogging thing? I have a fast-paced challenging job and an extremely long commute. The last thing I want to do or even have time… Read More The Plus-size Community has a Plethora of Bloggers Sharing Their Voices, So Why Should You Entertain Another One?

Keys in life

“To God Be the Glory for the Things He Has Done”

Many of you may be familiar with the song “My Tribute” by Andrae Crouch. I’ve heard the song performed on numerous occasions by renowned gospel artists and local talented singers, but I haven’t heard anyone sing this song as well as my father. I realize I could be a bit bias and I may be… Read More “To God Be the Glory for the Things He Has Done”