Dearest Towanda,
I owe you a long-overdue apology. I gave unwarranted apologies to others to mend relationships and neglected my most valuable human connection—the one with you.
I apologized for being myself, and I altered my behavior to make others comfortable. In hindsight changing my behavior made me uncomfortable, and it didn’t improve the relationship.
I subjected you to toxic people who didn’t respect your worth. I allowed you to be verbally abused, judged, and belittled by people who were unhappy with themselves.
I am guilty of doubting your self-worth. I questioned your beauty, your abilities, and I doubted your intelligence. I listened to the negative opinions of others, and I believed and accepted their statements that tore you down.
I hope you can find it in your heart to accept my heartfelt apology for succumbing to untruths about you. I regret not allowing you to be yourself around everyone you encountered. I regret being ashamed of the things that make you unique.
Please forgive me for not loving you unconditionally. Now that I know better, I promise to allow your light to shine regardless of who may find it blinding and uncomfortable.
Love always,
Towanda 💋

Until the next time be you—and more important—love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋