Sometimes I think I can be too hasty in my decision making and other times I believe I overthink. For instance, should I have given a little more thought to the blogging thing? I have a fast-paced challenging job and an extremely long commute. The last thing I want to do or even have time to do when I get home is writing. To be completely frank, should I even call myself a blogger? Most bloggers produce content daily, and in some cases, multiple times a day. I think I’m doing well if I post something bi-weekly, but should any of that matter?

Five years ago one of my coworkers suggested sharing my fashion style through blogging, so I decided to give it a try. But when I began to write, my words were geared more toward self-esteem and self-acceptance rather than clothes. It is my desire to become a personal stylist one day and I enjoy shopping and creating outfits. I view clothing as a vehicle for expressing individuality. But, for some reason when I sit down to write, my thoughts are about inspiring and encouraging self-love. To be perfectly honest, I don’t get the same feeling of satisfaction or even pride when I write about clothing and I’m not sure why that is.
I am a strong believer in sharing my personal experiences to help others. The fact that I overcame my struggles with self-acceptance means others can too. And I believe I can help others by sharing how I handle my present-day struggles as well. When I was much younger I battled with low self-esteem. I bought into society’s definition of beauty and I didn’t believe I fit the bill. As a teenager, it seemed as if fair skin and a small body frame were the keys to social acceptance and admiration. Because of it, I secretly wished I looked differently. I wanted to be viewed as beautiful by everyone who saw me. Now I know better. Today I realize the importance of seeing my beauty and accepting myself as I am.

Diary of a Stylish Buom Beauty Storefront
Entertaining the Stylish Buxom Beauty means receiving encouragement, enlightenment, and love in hopes to become better people one day at a time. As cruel as it may sound, everyone is not going to accept you, celebrate you, love you, or even like you. But that doesn’t mean you cannot like, love, celebrate, and accept yourself. I want to steer people toward being themselves wholly and unapologetically. The truth of the matter is there is nothing gained from social acceptance when one hasn’t accepted self. Someone can tell me I am beautiful daily, but until I see it and believe it for myself the words won’t matter.

I am learning the importance of making self-acceptance a daily aspiration. Every day will not be easy and full of victories, but I am determined to take the good with the bad and strive to be better with each passing day. So, I invite you to continue this journey to self-acceptance with the Stylish Buxom Beauty.
Until the next time, be you and most important—love you.
Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.
-B.B. 💋