Keys in life, Love & Happiness

Naked and Unafraid

“I’ve realized that being annoyed by the positive behavior of others is due to the lack of comfort and happiness within ourselves. Why else would we be bothered?” – B.B.naked

When we are naked we are undisguised, blatant, overt, and possibly vulnerable. Depending on our mental state, being naked can cause some level of discomfort or fear. I am learning the importance of accepting my nakedness and being unafraid to embrace it.

Over the past few weeks I’ve focused on my happiness and comfort with me. I’ve realized many mistakes I’ve made and even the lies I told myself because I was afraid to acknowledge my true feelings.  To me, being naked is equivalent to being honest. When we are nude there is nothing covering what we may consider a flaw or something we don’t want seen – even by ourselves.

A little over a year ago I started a second blog about my life experiences, which is named My Heels In Life . The second post on the blog is entitled Truth Be Told, which addresses my thoughts about marriage. I wrote about my frustrations with the lack of honest conversations related to it. Even though the words I wrote were true – they weren’t the whole truth. In retrospect, I realized I was bothered by the positive statements of happy couples because I didn’t experience the same level of bliss in my marriage. If we find ourselves highly annoyed by the positive actions or words of another person, chances are we have some unresolved issues with the subject that is being discussed.

In the pursuit of self-acceptance and self-love, it is imperative to embrace ourselves inwardly as well as outwardly. I have gained more peace and comfort over the past few weeks by simply looking at me and evaluating my behavior instead of others. In order to be an honest person I must first be honest with myself.

I urge you to consciously focus on your thoughts and feelings about you instead of the words and actions of others. Mainly because entertaining the thoughts of others is not fruitful . But, in addition to that – if we are telling ourselves the naked truth and we have found happiness and comfort with who we are nothing else matters.

Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.






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